Yawning Angel

There's not much to tell about myself, except that I am a chap of a certain age who has rekindled his interest in computers he used in his youth.

Why? I just fancied going back to a time when personal computing was less complicated and harrowing. I yearned for a simpler time. A time before the internet became a part of everything we do both for work and for fun.

After discovering just how big the retro computing scene is, I have managed to obtain an Amiga A1200, and a Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2, both machines I had 'back in the day'. More recently I have obtained a BBC Master 128.

I've done a few videos about these machines, and they can be seen on my YouTube channel. See the 'Videos' link in the menu.

This is just a hobby for me, and as such this website will be updated 'as and when', and I'll post videos 'as and when' the mood takes me. In the meantime enjoy the content here.

I have contributed articles for Amiga Addict magazine, and Pixel Addict magazine, and am quite humbled to have had work published in those fine publications. And now you know who I am. 😁

If you like what I do and want to help out, you can buy me a coffee on ko-fi. Cheers. 😎