The Domain - An Amiga PD newsletter story.

Originally conceived by myself and a good friend, Robert, back in 1996, because we were extremely passionate about the Amiga, and fearful for its future. We wanted to do 'our bit' to keep it going. Heady dreams I know, but we were young, foolish, and passionate. Also we had a lot of love for messing around with DTP packages. 

It started out as a double sided A4 printed newsletter, where we reviewed PD software we'd sourced, or been sent to review.

This publication was produced by us on our A1200s, using Pagestream 2.2. I printed it on my Canon BJ10 printer, and had copies produced using a local print firm. These copies were then sent to subscribers.

By the time we got to issue 5, we were on the brink of becoming a fully fledged professional magazine, courtesy of a large backer. (Issue 5 is not shown here as it was purely used to announce our forthcoming transition, which never happened...)

But that fell through for various reasons too dark and dirty to go into here. One day I may reveal the full story, but not just yet. Safe to say some big promises were made, but it all fell through and it wasn't our fault.

However, Rob continued with 'The Domain' as an A5 booklet form 'zine on his own, as I had moved onto work on a music fanzine by then and couldn't run two 'zines. 

'The Domain' then evolved into a publication also by Rob called 'Amiga Survivor'.

What you see here are issues of 'The Domain'  - Zero to 4. Robert holds the rights to what 'The Domain' became so they are not shown here.

Below you can download past issues of 'The Domain'. Just click the buttons.

Remember these were done ‘back in the day’ and area bit primitive. :)